1. Data Source: The data used in this project was gently provided by the staff of Proyectos Beta. They were very gentle to put on public availability the data collected on the survey.

  2. Limitations of the dataset: The data contained in the dataset its limited to the year 2024, for this reason it might be posible that the data will not reflect posible current trends or future changes.

    • With this dataset its not posible to make an asumption of the "representativity" of the respondents in the survey in comparation with the poblation of IT personel in Paraguay.
    • The dataset only has 394 answers.
    • Even with the considerations set out in the previous points. In some cases it is not posible to make a "real" asumption on some topics becaus its used "range of values" istead of "integer values".
    • In some of the questions asked and optional aswers. There is "cross-domain questions/answers".1
    • Some questions are mising some clarity in the formulation.
    • In some cases it is not postible to make an asumption or determine the "temporality" of the expected answer or question formulated. 2
  3. Data collection methods:All data was collected using the tools provided by the "Google Forms" platform. This platform allows users to:

    • Create the survey quickly and easily.
    • Share the survey on different platforms through a link.
    • Download survey results in a wide variety of formats.
  4. Results and Interpretations: The results of this study must be interpreted with caution and this results must not be generalized more than the data provided previously by the dataset.

    • Personal interpretations over the data and charts resulted are presented. Each interpretation its "marked" indicating that its a personal interpretation.

    • To add extra contex to the results in some cases "Chat GPT" was used. This tool was used to retreive information about "latin america" over diferent topics related to the survey. As pointed in the previous paragraph, when "Chat GPT" information its presented. This information is "marked" to indicate clearly the origin of it.

  5. Changes and Actualizations: This work its based on the current version of the dataset. For this reazon the information and interpretations presented here can be changed or modified as new data its collected or "new interpretations" are made.

  6. Liability and Use: The author is not responsible for improper use of the information presented here. The data and results must be used for informational/exploratory purposes only and not as the sole basis for critical decisions.


The motivation to do this work over the results of the "Paraguayan IT Professionals survey" of the 2024 are the following:

  • Get a deeper comprehencion of the IT comunity. Its members and technical profiles.

  • Get to know "technical stacks" of the comunity. Trending stacks, future trends, etc.

  • Confirm or refute personal beliefs over the local IT comunity. Based on actual data not in "personal perceptions".

How to read this.

  • type of analaisis.
  • stack of technologies.

Topic Index


  1. The question asks for: "Favorite backend framework" and offers a programming language as answer option. 

  2. ej. "Modalidad de trabajao."